Cover Reveal of the Forthcoming Version of Knight of the Broken Table

Knight of the Broken Table’s going into a second printing with a new cover. Changeling Knight will follow and its cover is modified just slightly. Today, I’m revealing Knight of the Broken Table’s new cover.

I’m also asking as I prepare for the reveal of the cover of Knight’s Blood, Book 3 of Knights Tower that my readers consider leaving a review of Knight of the Broken Table on Amazon or Goodreads. I plan to take the series wide and while I very much appreciate the ratings I’ve gotten on Knight of the Broken Table, particularly so many of them being 5 star, bringing my average to 4.5, I do not have any reviews. I’d like to launch Knight’s Blood with a bang in the coming months and reviews of the first book of the series will be very much appreciated. Not to say, if you haven’t left a rating, I wouldn’t appreciate more too.

As to what else I’m working on, my next book, is the Urban Fantasy/Super Hero, Children of a Lesser Dragon, Book 2 of Bred in Captivity. It’s the sequel to Lessers Not Losers. in the coming year I plan on the second printings and revised covers for Bigfoot is Not Your Friend and Bigfoot Hunting, and a three-in-one paperback edition of my Apocalyse Knot novellas. I’m now more than two thirds of the way done with Children of a Lesser Dragon.

My short story, The Christmas Dilemma, will appear in Out of Season, an anthology scheduled for release in December, which will be available in a variety of epub formats and in paperback.

At the end of September, I’m at Capclave in Rockville, Maryland, my local are con, where, I often joke, as an author I can never get on a panel since I’m a local author. Always, happy to chat with fans and it’s fun attending panels and networking with authors, edits, and publishers, too. Award-winning authors Charlie Jane Anders and Sarah Pinsker are the Guest Authors this year.

Interested in free books and stories? .Terran Catalyst, Book 1 of the series, continues to be free across multiple epub formats. The Kindle version is available, click here. However, that will be going back to regular price in October.

Two of my Apocalypse Knot prequel novellas, Apocalypse Knot, and Little Apocalypse, are featured in Into the Unknown, where you’ll find dozens of free stories about young heroes and heroines on quests. Though, I dare say, Krissy’s quest is to get into an all boys military academy before the Apocalypse… On that note, enjoy the rest of your summer and Dare to Believe!


Barry Nove